School Timings: (Prep – XII) Monday to Thursday & Saturday: 08:30 AM to 01:50 PM Friday: 08:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Session 2025-26 Admissions Now Open! 


PIPS Principals

Principals are essential for any educational institution as they possess a plethora of qualities that make them successful leaders. They exhibit excellent communication skills, which enable them to communicate effectively with stakeholders and their staff. They have the ability to create a positive culture that promotes collaboration, respect, and trust within the organization. Innovative thinking and creativity enable principals to explore new ways of improving the educational experience for students.

Brig Qamar Zaman (R)

It is indeed a matter of great privilege and honour to join this highly prestigious and premier educational institution as the principal in June 2023. It is without a doubt that this institution has attained this position like a long marathon race spanning over four decades, and the credit goes to the unparalleled teaching faculty, administration staff and the management.
As a Team leader my endeavours will be to capitalize on gains already made and to put further emphasis on following areas.

  • Apart from education, maximum emphasis on the grooming and character building of students.
  • Shifting of style of learning from cramming to understanding.
  • To provide quality life to boarders.
  • Training / capacity building of Teachers.
  • Effective utilization of prep timings for boarders.
  • To inculcate disciplined life in students.

It will be of great honour for me, and my staff to make an endeavour to achieve above mentioned tasks but not without the active involvement of parents.
I look forward to wholehearted input and cooperation from faculty, the students, and parents/ guardians for the success of our children.
May Allah almighty guide us in our way forward. Ameen Suma Ameen.

Ms. Faiza Asif

The sole purpose of this institution is to equip students to acquire knowledge and skills, build their character and enhance employability of our young talented students to become nationally and globally competent. The all-round progress of our students is of paramount importance and our most cherished motto as it shall help them to become empowered young scholars of Pakistan through education. It is indeed a matter of great pride that our college has made outstanding progress in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. I feel proud of being the Principal of such an eminent institution, fully dedicated towards the betterment of students.

Having 27 years of experience in the field of education, what comes to my mind is that “Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.” We live today in a world that is so very different from the one we grew up in. The world today is changing at an accelerated pace and we as educators, need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education. Are we all well equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges that the future holds? Questions such as these are factors that motivate us to go through a continuous process of reflection and hence we at PIPS, work at implementing a well-balanced curriculum to ensure that the children who walk into the portals of our School will not just love their school years but truly be prepared to face life’s challenges. It was Margaret Mead who said “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization, we march our children ahead with moral values and principles too. Aristotle says, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” We endeavour constantly to instil these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the future. We fortunately have a committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents, which blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school at Pakistan International Public School & College. It is natural to find in this ambience, the intensive use of a variety of thinking activities strategies and group dynamics so that the classrooms become alive.

Learning is not a process limited to schools and colleges only, nor does it end with the conclusion of one’s school career. It is indeed a lifelong process. This school is oriented to the total formation of a child and to the adaptations of various methods suiting the dynamics of an ever changing world in order to achieve common goals and objectives. It is further characterised by a shared vision and responsibility and above all, love and faith in God in order to achieve these goals. People of fine character live by their values. They are honest and committed to truthfulness, in thought, words and deeds. True character in turn encompasses the capacity for finer discipline. Character creates self-respect, which consequently leads to high self-esteem. Maturity should be perceptible in all aspects of character – the decisions we make, the friends we choose and the responsibilities we accept. Always remember to uphold the dignity of people. Always be ready to give preference to others. What you are, is God’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to God. Have something to live for. Bring out the best in you. As the Head Teacher, it gives me the privilege and pleasure to inform that this institution is putting in consistent, insistent and persistent efforts to serve the Nation at its best. Therefore, the main focus of our institution is to empower the students with sound knowledge, wisdom, experience, life values and methodological training both at the academic level and in the highly competitive global market.

Col. (R) Asad Alam (Boys Campus)

All the praises, pre-eminences, glorification and magnificence for the Almighty ALLAH, who is the Clement, and the Compassionate, who has bestowed HIS favours abundantly on PIPS Gujrat.
PIPS Gujrat is an amalgamation of competent and experienced teachers, state of the art infrastructure and learning facilities with an efficient and goal-oriented Administration. The school came into existence with the motive of creating safe and supportive environment for its students to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, creative and social opportunities. In PIPS, the critical study of childhood, youth and learning programme is a joy and strive for better future and well being of our children.
My concern and motive is to ensure student’s emotional growth along with intellectual excellence. It also empowers them to develop their self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence. PIPS aims and attempts to inculcate such like-skills in the students.

My aim is to polish and refine the students to become confident, articulate and enlightened young citizens. We believe in strong values and provide them with wings to fly which can make them excelsior. We strive to make them challenge all heights and equip them with holistic grooming. We believe in conceptual learning, we always upgrade and update our teaching tools and techniques according to new needs.
As Pakistan is an empowered, enlightened and enterprising Nation, our mission is to give our students a faith filled life. Our spotlight is to dig deeper imprints of Unity, Faith, Discipline and Tolerance among them.
PIPS is extremely proud of the hard work and dedication being shown by our students not only in school results but also in extra and co-curricular activities. We provide them with wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay and make them learn and win like a champion and this strive will continue, INSHA’ ALLAH.

God Speed.
Col. M.Asad Alam (R)

Mrs. Shaheen Asad (Girls Campus)

PIPS administration and teachers recognize the important contributions parents make towards child’s success in school. There is no question about it – success at school begins at home.
One of the most important components of a good school is partnership between the school and parents who work together for the best interest of children. This close partnership between home and school can be established through parents joining the PTM’s, attending school meetings and functions and sparing time to discuss about the performance of their child regularly through out the session. This is how you can let your child know that his/her school is important.

School and home can work together to build skills and knowledge, reinforce values and develop strong sense of self-worth. We must invest our time and energies in our nation’s most valuable source – our children. The efforts and performance of school can never be hidden. It speaks out every year on the day of result. Our school is honoured to achieve positions in the Board examination almost every year at District/Division and Board level and the efforts continue to achieve even better.

Mrs. Shaheen Asad
Vice Principal

Mr. Arshad Mehmood

I can cherish sublime feelings of pleasure and pride that my institute, PIPS, GRW, has successfully completed 35 glorious years of academic excellence with long history of cherishing memories.

In keeping with our mission, we provide students with fairly high quality education devoid of rote learning and selective study, and encourage them to respect their ideas and their free expressions. The most valuable inheritance that we can bequeath to our next generation is to empower the youth with education to think logically and reason out the differences wherever exist. Provision of insightful learning is the best catalyst to equip our students; a well educated citizenry creates a harmonious society.

Equal emphasis we lay on co-curricular activities also. Focus on character building is always our super priority; we groom personalities; Motivation works wonders; motivation is the key point of our system. We own our students like our real kids wherein lies our success. There is no sublime feeling than to think that we are preparing personalities that are going to matter to the world. We impart knowledge with the belief that it enables man to rise in life, and the nations to march forward, thrive and prosper.

Ms. Beenish

Every child is unique; I appreciate child’s individuality and try to nurture his strength. The aim of education is all about helping the child to realize and explore his potential and latent talents. 

Future of our world depends on our children.I strongly feel that education is a blend of academic excellence and creativity and as the Principal of the School; my belief is to encourage and empower our students to grow as a strong, reflective and humble individuals with discerning minds.We at PIPS prepare our students to make a mark in all spheres of life.Real-life application of knowledge and skills has been the hallmark of the education revolution at PIPS.

Along with the association of the seasoned and experienced educators, I will continue my work to maintain the legacy of the school by building strong relationships with parents, students and community partners. I believe that for the holistic development of a child, involvement of parents is extremely important.

Our sincere gratitude to all the stakeholders of PIPS;the management, staff, parents, and students for keeping your trust and belief in the school. We look forward to working together to support every child to achieve excellence.
Wishing all our children a happy and successful journey of learning!

Ms. Musarrat Ansar

Dear Parents and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our school website. As Principal, I am hugely impressed by the commitment of the school and the staff to the provision of an excellent all-round education for our students in our state-of-the-art facilities. Under my leadership, and as a team working together, we strongly promote academic achievement among our students. The cultural, sporting, and other successes of all of our students and staff are also proudly celebrated together.

PIPS is an innovative school drawing on the talents and skills of staff, students, and parents to provide a host of educational programmes and projects. Wholesome participation is encouraged in the extensive range of extra-curricular activities on offer and care is also taken to ensure the well-being and happiness of each and every student in the school.
With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education behind us, our school community continues to move forward together with confidence, pride, and enthusiasm.

Good luck to all!
Mussarat Ansar


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Mr. Farrukh Ijaz

Managing Director

Education is not about rote learning as it is crept into our Education system rather it is a process through which overall personality of our students is carved out.

The tools for attaining this objective include the qualifications of teachers, input from parents, institutional infrastructure, allied facilities, and the leadership qualities of the administrative team. Alhamdulillah, at PIPS, we provide for all the aforementioned ingredients. Our primary emphasis is on academic excellence, the inculcation of Islamic education and values, as well as co-curricular activities

First and foremost emphasis is on academic excellence, inculcation of Islamic education and values, and Co Extracurricular activities.

Dr. Manzar Ijaz

Managing Director

It is rightly said that the foundation of every state is the education of its youth. Next in importance to freedom and justice is ‘Education’ without which neither justice nor freedom can be maintained and, you very well know, that we keep both ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’ close to our heart.

Education commences at the mother’s knee and every word spoken within the hearsay of little Children lends towards the formation of their character. Education, if properly imparted, leaves an indelible and lasting impact on their budding minds.

If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work upon brass, time will efface it; if we rear places of worship, they will crumble into dust. But if we work upon immortal minds – if we imbue them with principles, with the just fear of Allah The Almighty, and love for our country and our fellow-beings – we engrave on tablets something which will enlighten all eternity. And this is our ultimate aim, our utmost endeavor. May Allah The Almighty give us the strength and wisdom to live up to the expectations of our nation – Ameen!

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Established in 1983, Pakistan International Public School (PIPS) is an English-Medium network of schools providing primary & secondary education (PG – F.SC)